Thursday, December 30, 2010
Blog 1 Year Anniversary!
PS-I just realized that tomorrow will be my 1 year anniversary having this blog! :) Hopefully I will post more in 2011 :)
Don't you love how He embraces us? I feel so dirty, yucky, ...totally unworthy. But every time, EVERY time, He swoops that mighty Warrior on the White Steed that He is, and sweeps me off my feet! He holds me as if I never did anything to offend or hurt Him. It's so amazing. And I know that it is only by Christ's blood. Thank you Jesus. Thank you, thank you.
My brain needs to be overtaken.. I say this because if you hand me anything-this blog, age, school, family, friends, anything-all things seem to take me to this thought about the quickness of time. My brain becomes overwhelmed and I just can't understand or contain this knowledge. I feel that I can't commit or there is not time to commit to things, to people. Life just keeps running and I can't keep up. I need His mind, His knowledge, His discernment. Ultimately, I need His Spirit! The blessed gift is, I have it..I have HIM. Amazing. Now, the same struggle is to surrender..completely. To die to myself..not just in the spiritual-sounding, I mean it. I am ready to die to self and all its hang ups and screw ups. I want Him. I want His life. And He is there...He is there.
My struggle these past 2 months has been DISTRACTION. Ug. I want to write about this because maybe some random soul might be led to this post and have some great perspective to share..iron sharpens iron.
I get easily distracted.. school, tv, future, worry, food, image,..._________add word. Tons of things distract me. The Lord has really challenged me to rid my life of many things that are obvious distractions for me... sometimes even these things are hard to let go of. School gets so busy that I spend all of my time not only doing things for school...but THINKING about it. That is where I take it back to needing the mind of Christ and the indwelling Spirit!
I desperately want Him.. I need Him. My Maker is my Husband (Is. 54:5) and it is NATURAL to desire Him. How do I so strongly desire Him and then turn and easily become unfaithful in my devotion? I get distracted by the first "shiny" thing that passes in front of me. I am like the dog on the movie "Up", I am totally in love with and consumed by my Master, and suddenly my whole focus and attention is turned to the "Squirrel!" that I sense. How do I become a woman so enraptured by my King that I couldn't care an ounce for the things of this world?
Any ideas?
On another note, how is 2011 to be spent? At the feet of Christ. <3
My brain needs to be overtaken.. I say this because if you hand me anything-this blog, age, school, family, friends, anything-all things seem to take me to this thought about the quickness of time. My brain becomes overwhelmed and I just can't understand or contain this knowledge. I feel that I can't commit or there is not time to commit to things, to people. Life just keeps running and I can't keep up. I need His mind, His knowledge, His discernment. Ultimately, I need His Spirit! The blessed gift is, I have it..I have HIM. Amazing. Now, the same struggle is to surrender..completely. To die to myself..not just in the spiritual-sounding, I mean it. I am ready to die to self and all its hang ups and screw ups. I want Him. I want His life. And He is there...He is there.
My struggle these past 2 months has been DISTRACTION. Ug. I want to write about this because maybe some random soul might be led to this post and have some great perspective to share..iron sharpens iron.
I get easily distracted.. school, tv, future, worry, food, image,..._________add word. Tons of things distract me. The Lord has really challenged me to rid my life of many things that are obvious distractions for me... sometimes even these things are hard to let go of. School gets so busy that I spend all of my time not only doing things for school...but THINKING about it. That is where I take it back to needing the mind of Christ and the indwelling Spirit!
I desperately want Him.. I need Him. My Maker is my Husband (Is. 54:5) and it is NATURAL to desire Him. How do I so strongly desire Him and then turn and easily become unfaithful in my devotion? I get distracted by the first "shiny" thing that passes in front of me. I am like the dog on the movie "Up", I am totally in love with and consumed by my Master, and suddenly my whole focus and attention is turned to the "Squirrel!" that I sense. How do I become a woman so enraptured by my King that I couldn't care an ounce for the things of this world?
Any ideas?
On another note, how is 2011 to be spent? At the feet of Christ. <3
Thursday, October 7, 2010
This is my prayer, I want this kind of trust LORD!
Evening Reading by Charles H. Spurgeon
Now on whom dost thou trust? ˜Isaiah 36:5
Reader, this is an important question. Listen to the Christian's answer, and see if it is yours. "On whom dost thou trust?" "I trust," says the Christian, "in a triune God. I trust the Father, believing that He has chosen me from before the foundations of the world; I trust Him to provide for me in providence, to teach me, to guide me, to correct me if need be, and to bring me home to His own house where the many mansions are. I trust the Son. Very God of very God is He—the man Christ Jesus. I trust in Him to take away all my sins by His own sacrifice, and to adorn me with His perfect righteousness. I trust Him to be my Intercessor, to present my prayers and desires before His Father's throne, and I trust Him to be my Advocate at the last great day, to plead my cause, and to justify me. I trust Him for what He is, for what He has done, and for what He has promised yet to do. And I trust the Holy Spirit—He has begun to save me from my inbred sins; I trust Him to drive them all out; I trust Him to curb my temper, to subdue my will, to enlighten my understanding, to check my passions, to comfort my despondency, to help my weakness, to illuminate my darkness; I trust Him to dwell in me as my life, to reign in me as my King, to sanctify me wholly, spirit, soul, and body, and then to take me up to dwell with the saints in light for ever."
Oh, blessed trust! To trust Him whose power will never be exhausted, whose love will never wane, whose kindness will never change, whose faithfulness will never fail, whose wisdom will never be nonplussed, and whose perfect goodness can never know a diminution! Happy art thou, reader, if this trust is thine! So trusting, thou shalt enjoy sweet peace now, and glory hereafter, and the foundation of thy trust shall never be removed.
Now on whom dost thou trust? ˜Isaiah 36:5
Reader, this is an important question. Listen to the Christian's answer, and see if it is yours. "On whom dost thou trust?" "I trust," says the Christian, "in a triune God. I trust the Father, believing that He has chosen me from before the foundations of the world; I trust Him to provide for me in providence, to teach me, to guide me, to correct me if need be, and to bring me home to His own house where the many mansions are. I trust the Son. Very God of very God is He—the man Christ Jesus. I trust in Him to take away all my sins by His own sacrifice, and to adorn me with His perfect righteousness. I trust Him to be my Intercessor, to present my prayers and desires before His Father's throne, and I trust Him to be my Advocate at the last great day, to plead my cause, and to justify me. I trust Him for what He is, for what He has done, and for what He has promised yet to do. And I trust the Holy Spirit—He has begun to save me from my inbred sins; I trust Him to drive them all out; I trust Him to curb my temper, to subdue my will, to enlighten my understanding, to check my passions, to comfort my despondency, to help my weakness, to illuminate my darkness; I trust Him to dwell in me as my life, to reign in me as my King, to sanctify me wholly, spirit, soul, and body, and then to take me up to dwell with the saints in light for ever."
Oh, blessed trust! To trust Him whose power will never be exhausted, whose love will never wane, whose kindness will never change, whose faithfulness will never fail, whose wisdom will never be nonplussed, and whose perfect goodness can never know a diminution! Happy art thou, reader, if this trust is thine! So trusting, thou shalt enjoy sweet peace now, and glory hereafter, and the foundation of thy trust shall never be removed.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Some Good Words
This was the devotional that I got in my email today. I love it! It has such good words that I need.
July 23
Absolutely No Remembrance
"And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more" (Hebrews 10:17).
According to this gracious covenant the LORD treats His people as if they had never sinned. Practically, He forgets all their trespasses. Sins of all kinds He treats as if they had never been, as if they were quite erased from His memory. O miracle of grace! God here doth that which in certain aspects is impossible to Him. His mercy worketh miracles which far transcend all other miracles.
Our God ignores our sin now that the sacrifice of Jesus has ratified the covenant. We may rejoice in Him without fear that He will be provoked to anger against us because of our iniquities. See! He puts us among the children; He accepts us as righteous; He takes delight in us as if we were perfectly holy. He even puts us into places of trust; makes us guardians of His honor, trustees of the crown jewels, stewards of the gospel. He counts us worthy and gives us a ministry; this is the highest and most special proof that He does not remember our sins. Even when we forgive an enemy, we are very slow to trust him; we judge it to be imprudent so to do. But the LORD forgets our sins and treats us as if we had never erred. O my soul, what a promise is this! Believe it and be happy.
By C.H. Spurgeon
July 23
Absolutely No Remembrance
"And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more" (Hebrews 10:17).
According to this gracious covenant the LORD treats His people as if they had never sinned. Practically, He forgets all their trespasses. Sins of all kinds He treats as if they had never been, as if they were quite erased from His memory. O miracle of grace! God here doth that which in certain aspects is impossible to Him. His mercy worketh miracles which far transcend all other miracles.
Our God ignores our sin now that the sacrifice of Jesus has ratified the covenant. We may rejoice in Him without fear that He will be provoked to anger against us because of our iniquities. See! He puts us among the children; He accepts us as righteous; He takes delight in us as if we were perfectly holy. He even puts us into places of trust; makes us guardians of His honor, trustees of the crown jewels, stewards of the gospel. He counts us worthy and gives us a ministry; this is the highest and most special proof that He does not remember our sins. Even when we forgive an enemy, we are very slow to trust him; we judge it to be imprudent so to do. But the LORD forgets our sins and treats us as if we had never erred. O my soul, what a promise is this! Believe it and be happy.
By C.H. Spurgeon
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Beautiful, Important, Good Words from Elisabeth Elliot
I read Elisabeth Elliot's daily devotionals on her website. She has so many wonderful things to say..she is surely a godly woman. Many would probably call her old-fashioned in a lot of her opinions and I am all about that when it comes to the God-honoring life! I just enjoy her devotions! (**Note-I'm pretty sure they are all taken from past writings and such...I don't think she writes these currently.)
I just want to share a few that have been great!
This one is from June 14th. The Lord was really working FORGIVENESS into my heart, and still is. This came at a great time!
Title: The Arbiter is Peace
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
When there are disputes or differences of any sort between people, there are four possible results: estrangement, an armed truce, compromise, or reconciliation. The first of these is the reason for a good many divorces. The second accounts for many unhappy marriages. The third may seem the best that can be hoped for. The fourth is what Christians are called to, always. In marital disputes, or those between labor and management, an arbiter is sometimes called in, often after much wrangling and bitterness. An arbiter has absolute power to judge and decide.
There is another arbiter, too often forgotten. "Let Christ's peace be arbiter in your hearts; to this peace you were called" (Col 3:15 NEB).
Wouldn't it make an astonishing difference in our fellowship with one another if we would let that peace arbitrate, if we would remember the promised parting gift of Christ, "My peace I give you," and the command to live at peace with all?
But, we ask, how? How does it work? The context in Colossians shows us:
You are God's chosen race, his saints; he loves you, and you should be clothed in sincere compassion, in kindness and humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with one another; forgive each other as soon as a quarrel begins. The Lord has forgiven you; now you must do the same. Over all these clothes, to keep them together and complete them, put on love. (Col 3:12-14 JB)
Are we willing to follow Him here? He will help us if we are. He will calm the troubled waters.
This next one is from today's devotional... I just think it is wonderful because the King has really taught me about SURRENDER AND LAYING DOWN MY EVERYTHING. I have always been interested in His will.. Check it out!
Title: Discerning the Will of God
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
The primary condition for learning what God wants of us is putting ourselves wholly at his disposal. It is just here that we are often blocked. We hold certain reservations about how far we are willing to go, what we will or will not do, how much God can have of us or of what we treasure. Then we pray for guidance. It will not work. We must begin by laying it all down--ourselves, our treasures, our destiny. Then we are in a position to think with renewed minds and act with a transformed nature. The withholding of any part of ourselves is the same as saying, "Thy will be done up to a point, mine from there on."
Paul gives four important steps to discerning the will of God:
1. "Offer your very selves to Him,"
2. "Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world."
3. "Let your minds be remade."
4. "Your whole nature transformed."
"Then you will be able to discern the will of God" (Rom 12:1,2 NEB).
This leads me to share another one of my most favorite passages. I can't speak to you how much these couple of verses have meant to me recently.
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:26
and especially this one
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Matthew 10:29-31
He is sovereign and holy and wonderful and cares about me and you!
Hope you enjoy!
I just want to share a few that have been great!
This one is from June 14th. The Lord was really working FORGIVENESS into my heart, and still is. This came at a great time!
Title: The Arbiter is Peace
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
When there are disputes or differences of any sort between people, there are four possible results: estrangement, an armed truce, compromise, or reconciliation. The first of these is the reason for a good many divorces. The second accounts for many unhappy marriages. The third may seem the best that can be hoped for. The fourth is what Christians are called to, always. In marital disputes, or those between labor and management, an arbiter is sometimes called in, often after much wrangling and bitterness. An arbiter has absolute power to judge and decide.
There is another arbiter, too often forgotten. "Let Christ's peace be arbiter in your hearts; to this peace you were called" (Col 3:15 NEB).
Wouldn't it make an astonishing difference in our fellowship with one another if we would let that peace arbitrate, if we would remember the promised parting gift of Christ, "My peace I give you," and the command to live at peace with all?
But, we ask, how? How does it work? The context in Colossians shows us:
You are God's chosen race, his saints; he loves you, and you should be clothed in sincere compassion, in kindness and humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with one another; forgive each other as soon as a quarrel begins. The Lord has forgiven you; now you must do the same. Over all these clothes, to keep them together and complete them, put on love. (Col 3:12-14 JB)
Are we willing to follow Him here? He will help us if we are. He will calm the troubled waters.
This next one is from today's devotional... I just think it is wonderful because the King has really taught me about SURRENDER AND LAYING DOWN MY EVERYTHING. I have always been interested in His will.. Check it out!
Title: Discerning the Will of God
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
The primary condition for learning what God wants of us is putting ourselves wholly at his disposal. It is just here that we are often blocked. We hold certain reservations about how far we are willing to go, what we will or will not do, how much God can have of us or of what we treasure. Then we pray for guidance. It will not work. We must begin by laying it all down--ourselves, our treasures, our destiny. Then we are in a position to think with renewed minds and act with a transformed nature. The withholding of any part of ourselves is the same as saying, "Thy will be done up to a point, mine from there on."
Paul gives four important steps to discerning the will of God:
1. "Offer your very selves to Him,"
2. "Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world."
3. "Let your minds be remade."
4. "Your whole nature transformed."
"Then you will be able to discern the will of God" (Rom 12:1,2 NEB).
This leads me to share another one of my most favorite passages. I can't speak to you how much these couple of verses have meant to me recently.
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:26
and especially this one
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Matthew 10:29-31
He is sovereign and holy and wonderful and cares about me and you!
Hope you enjoy!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Amazing Testimony
Wow, this video is so crazy. This video has some very uncomfortable moments...just to warn you. The Lord's glory is shown though!
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Lord is moving in my life so much right now.. He brings me to tears so many times a day. It's wonderful! I always want to be with Him! :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Summer Smiles
I changed my blogger look! Yay :) I was looking all over the place for the instructions about how to do wasn't easy. Then I found this: just log in at and there is an awesome template maker! I've been really into the pretty designs in black and white, just an insignificant fact! Ha!
The fact that it is summer is starting to hit me.. I have been out of classes for 2 weeks already but I was still working and keeping busy so it didn't feel like it really. The very last day of work, I got sick with this icky stomach bug that has been floating around. So I felt pretty out of it for a few days..everything blurred together because I pretty much laid in bed and watched either law shows or Deadliest Catch. But I did feel good enough to go out and spend some time out in the country! :) We had a little picnic and bbq'd hotdogs. It was awesome!
These were some of the views I was admiring while trying to take a siesta! This is one of my favorite places to be, the Lord wired me that way! Under the pine trees and blue sky, with nothing but the Lover of my soul, my familia and the sweet, sweet sound of the wind blowing through the trees!

I also went today to work on the Curriculum Task Force! Cute and funny name :) My professor, Dr. Martini, invited me to be a part of this... we are editing some lesson plans that we developed. She is a sweet, cute lady with more spunk than I have seen in a long time! She is so motivated and driven :) It's really refreshing! She is funny-pretty much looking out for our futures by wanting us to present our work and always talking about publishing our work and stuff. She's a hoot! But seriously, I appreciate her faith in us, it is encouraging. :) Although I am not keen on presentations and such, I am enjoying working closely with her. She has a wealth of knowledge about children that I'd love to tap into! That little bit of time I saw her today got me a little more geared up to start my summer course tomorrow. I also received my 475 PAGE textbook! O_o Yikes! It's a 3 week class! Ha :)
So these are all little things that the Lord has taken me to... significant? I'd say so... He is behind it, I have faith that this is true. He is the only One who could orchestrate these things! Praise to You Jesus, I am not worthy. May people just see Him in me. That's my prayer.
And lastly, I shot this cute picture of 2 of our pups earlier today! Rhiley was given Lucy a sweet little bath and cuddling with her! :) I love them!
The fact that it is summer is starting to hit me.. I have been out of classes for 2 weeks already but I was still working and keeping busy so it didn't feel like it really. The very last day of work, I got sick with this icky stomach bug that has been floating around. So I felt pretty out of it for a few days..everything blurred together because I pretty much laid in bed and watched either law shows or Deadliest Catch. But I did feel good enough to go out and spend some time out in the country! :) We had a little picnic and bbq'd hotdogs. It was awesome!
These were some of the views I was admiring while trying to take a siesta! This is one of my favorite places to be, the Lord wired me that way! Under the pine trees and blue sky, with nothing but the Lover of my soul, my familia and the sweet, sweet sound of the wind blowing through the trees!

I also went today to work on the Curriculum Task Force! Cute and funny name :) My professor, Dr. Martini, invited me to be a part of this... we are editing some lesson plans that we developed. She is a sweet, cute lady with more spunk than I have seen in a long time! She is so motivated and driven :) It's really refreshing! She is funny-pretty much looking out for our futures by wanting us to present our work and always talking about publishing our work and stuff. She's a hoot! But seriously, I appreciate her faith in us, it is encouraging. :) Although I am not keen on presentations and such, I am enjoying working closely with her. She has a wealth of knowledge about children that I'd love to tap into! That little bit of time I saw her today got me a little more geared up to start my summer course tomorrow. I also received my 475 PAGE textbook! O_o Yikes! It's a 3 week class! Ha :)
So these are all little things that the Lord has taken me to... significant? I'd say so... He is behind it, I have faith that this is true. He is the only One who could orchestrate these things! Praise to You Jesus, I am not worthy. May people just see Him in me. That's my prayer.
And lastly, I shot this cute picture of 2 of our pups earlier today! Rhiley was given Lucy a sweet little bath and cuddling with her! :) I love them!

Monday, May 24, 2010
Open and Closed Doors
My Sweet Lord and King has been opening a lot of doors that He had previously closed. I mentioned this on one of my last posts... I guess He was closing them temporarily, not permanently. I pray that He would always step in the way of anything or anyone that I am allow to get in His way in my life.. He gives and takes away. Blessed be His name!
I so desire to have a gentle and quiet spirit.. to be a woman that honors, reveres, respects, loves, blesses, and rejoices in Him and His heart each day. I have SUCH a long way to go.. but that's the grace of His love, He is so very patient and faithful to me..He is conforming me into His image.. He walks with me through this dirty but beautiful world. I desire to moment by moment put to death my flesh, my sinful nature. I just want Him to live through me... to go to any lengths to speak His name and not my own. It's such a struggle sometimes...there are some moments where all I want to do is scream ME, MY, I... even for worthless, meaningless things. What is up with that? But that's the beauty of having the Holy Spirit, He gives me strength and self-control. He reminds me of how insignificant I am to this world, that my worth does not come from recognition...and that to Him, how SIGNIFICANT AND VALUABLE I am to Him! How blessed am I?! I can't fathom this love I get to enjoy!
I really like blogging but I sit down and feel that the same thing comes much I need JESUS! Oh well, I pray someone will be blessed by reading this!
I so desire to have a gentle and quiet spirit.. to be a woman that honors, reveres, respects, loves, blesses, and rejoices in Him and His heart each day. I have SUCH a long way to go.. but that's the grace of His love, He is so very patient and faithful to me..He is conforming me into His image.. He walks with me through this dirty but beautiful world. I desire to moment by moment put to death my flesh, my sinful nature. I just want Him to live through me... to go to any lengths to speak His name and not my own. It's such a struggle sometimes...there are some moments where all I want to do is scream ME, MY, I... even for worthless, meaningless things. What is up with that? But that's the beauty of having the Holy Spirit, He gives me strength and self-control. He reminds me of how insignificant I am to this world, that my worth does not come from recognition...and that to Him, how SIGNIFICANT AND VALUABLE I am to Him! How blessed am I?! I can't fathom this love I get to enjoy!
I really like blogging but I sit down and feel that the same thing comes much I need JESUS! Oh well, I pray someone will be blessed by reading this!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
School, Summer and Randomness
Wow! I cannot believe that it has been almost 3 months since I blogged last! This past semester has really been busy...but such a blessing. =) There is so much to say.. At the moment, I am just enjoying the time I have to rest.. and I mean I have been taking advantage of it! I still have one week, well 4 days, of work left. I'm relieved because I am really ready for time to not be busy... but also I think I'm going to be a little sad because I will really miss the kiddos. The Lord has blessed so many moments with them! He has given me the opportunity to love them and mostly He has given me the blessing of their love and joy! School was tough this semester but I am just glad to be in school. I really pray that the Lord will take me only where He wants me, teach me what He wants me to learn. The week after this one, I will be starting my summer course. It is Research in Early Childhood Edu. It is with our new Professor, I love her! She makes me laugh! The Lord has blessed me and helped me get here.. I just finished my Associate's degree, only by His mercy. Oh seriously, only because each breath is His grace!!!!
He has been opening many doors that He had closed. I just want to have a surrendered spirit, accepting whatever He is willing to give. Sometimes I find myself fighting whatever He is giving or taking away...but He knows best. He is my Abba! I'm very thankful for the relationships that He has reawakened...Wow. I'm so unworthy of His love! I'm just enjoying basking in His sweet, warm, life giving Smile!
Okay... so what to write about? Hmm...
I am currently reading and am almost done with Leslie Ludy's The Lost Art of True Beauty. I love it! I feel that she often reiterates similar concepts and facts but I like it because that really strengthens me as the reader as well as makes me believe that she sincerely believes it. I think her passion really shines through her books and website ( I also have a few pages left of The Bravehearted Gospel by Eric. These people are very respectable.. they are blessed teachers. I would love to go to Ellerslie. ( Next, I will finish Sacred Singleness...then maybe revisit Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. <3
This is a random blog but oh well =) I am eating some watermelon and enjoying having my window open and my music playing! I want to live this out = Rejoice in it! (The day that He made!) I'm so glad it is summer, this was the looongest winter ever!
Now on to Spring Cleaning-one of my FAVORITE activities on a day like this!
Praise be only to Jesus!
He has been opening many doors that He had closed. I just want to have a surrendered spirit, accepting whatever He is willing to give. Sometimes I find myself fighting whatever He is giving or taking away...but He knows best. He is my Abba! I'm very thankful for the relationships that He has reawakened...Wow. I'm so unworthy of His love! I'm just enjoying basking in His sweet, warm, life giving Smile!
Okay... so what to write about? Hmm...
I am currently reading and am almost done with Leslie Ludy's The Lost Art of True Beauty. I love it! I feel that she often reiterates similar concepts and facts but I like it because that really strengthens me as the reader as well as makes me believe that she sincerely believes it. I think her passion really shines through her books and website ( I also have a few pages left of The Bravehearted Gospel by Eric. These people are very respectable.. they are blessed teachers. I would love to go to Ellerslie. ( Next, I will finish Sacred Singleness...then maybe revisit Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. <3
This is a random blog but oh well =) I am eating some watermelon and enjoying having my window open and my music playing! I want to live this out = Rejoice in it! (The day that He made!) I'm so glad it is summer, this was the looongest winter ever!
Now on to Spring Cleaning-one of my FAVORITE activities on a day like this!
Praise be only to Jesus!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
We are on our way to Albuquerque right now. We're probably about 30 minutes or so from the city. I've been noticing lately that I haven't been as much of a "deep thinker" that I used to be. It feels pretty silly to say something like that.. But what I mean is, I used to pay more attention. I used to notice the small things..I wasn't so distracted. But the Lord just has me at a different place, teaching me new things from a totally new perspective. Neither place is perfect.. Both have positives and negatives.. I'm learning that all that matters is .. Being in His presence where there is fullness of joy and eternal pleasures forevermore! I'm lost no matter where I am if I am without Him.. And I am safe and filled with joy when I am clinging to Him. Thankfully.
May we all learn to be with Him only, at all moments. In complete surrender! Dieing to self and living in Christ!
May we all learn to be with Him only, at all moments. In complete surrender! Dieing to self and living in Christ!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Coming to the End of Myself
Well tomorrow is the first day of March... ALREADY! Remember it was just January 1, 2010? Remember it was just January 1, 2000?!?!?!?!?! Why does time fly? Why does my life pass me by? Could it be that as Solomon once said, "everything is meaningless"? I truly think this is it...I mean, it is the Word of God, so I KNOW it is right. Ecclesiastes 2:11 says, "Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun." TRUTH. Truth is exactly what this Word speaks to my heart. It takes me back to Psalm 127:1 and 2... "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat-for he grants sleep to those he loves." Since this semester started..7 weeks have passed... I have worked approximately 100 hours (working with age 4-12), done 12 hours in a 4 and 5 year old classroom, been in classes for about 84 hours (not counting some homework time)... AND spent about less than 10 hours with family... AND waaaaayyyy less with the King of all kings, the Desire of my heart, the Lord God Almighty... What's my point? I have toiled like never before... all is meaningless without Him. Solomon's words ring so true because not only have I felt overwhelmed by it but when I step back for some perspective I realize that I've been spiritually asleep for the whole 7 weeks. When I am far from Him, (He is never far from me, He will never leave me or forsake me, I simply ignore Him-which is so utterly sinful) I am a lost little girl, alone in the dark.. at least it seems that way. But He is so sweet, so calm, so peaceful, so lovely... He gently calls me to Him... I make up my excuses, I'm tired, I have so much to do.... etc. And you want to know the even SICKER part??? I have watched more tv than I'd like to admit... Ug. I'm doing the very thing that Eric and Leslie Ludy have talked about. They talked about how this world, the enemy, and our flesh like to make us believe we are TIRED, we need to VEGITATE, we need some DOWNTIME. But this is a lie! And you know how I know?!? Because Jesus, my Beautiful Christ, He IS REST. He is PEACE, QUIET. There is no such thing as downtime in His kingdom! When we are walking in the Spirit, when He is living in and through us, we are TRULY ALIVE! This is not to say we won't get physically tired, but if our emotions, spirit and mind are really living in Him (as I claim) then we aren't spent at the end of the day. I'm ready for more of Him! I'm ready to tackle the enemy! I'm ready to serve others with no breaks! Oh Jesus! I'm ready to sacrifice all of my belongings and self just to get more time with you...
Have I ever really experienced this? Yes, I think so... for a few moments. That's how I know this so intimately. But have I truly surrendered all to Him? Have I truly thrown myself off that glorious throne of my life so that my King can take His rightful seat? Have I truly said to Him that I am tired of me? No. Not really.
Read these lyrics to "Tired" by Nina Landis:
"I'm so tired of losing my hope.
I'm so tired of sleeping.
I'm so tired of forgetting to trust.
I'm so tired of settling.
Over and over and over again.
Over and over and over again.
Over and over and over again.
I'm so tired of chasing the wind.
I'm so tired of runnin' around.
I'm so tired of compromising.
I'm so tired of failing.
Over and over and over again.
Over and over and over again.
Over and over and over again.
I'm counting on Your mercy God!
I'm hoping in Your grace!
I'm clinging to Your mercy God!
I'm looking to Your face!
I'm so tired of forgetting tomorrow.
I'm so tired of missing today.
I'm so tired of these tears and this sorrow.
I'm so tired of running away!
I'm counting on Your mercy God!
I'm hoping in Your grace!
I'm clinging to Your mercy God!
I'm looking to Your face!
I'm looking past the veil to the other side,
where this skin on me won't be plagued with sin... on the other side.
On the other side,
where redemption lies!
I'm looking past the veil to the other side,
where this skin on me won't be plagued with sin...on the other side.
On the other side,
where perfection lies!"
As He is so passionately and tenderly pursuing me...I will count on His mercy, I will hope in His grace, I will cling to Him! He is so kind. =] I no longer want to toil away at meaningless things... I only want to spend myself on things that draw me and others to Him. I am not saying that school, work, and homework are meaningless, I am saying that without His presence and blessing they are meaningless beyond words. With Him, they are a tool. A tool in His hands! A tool that He may be using to prepare me, mold me, grow me, teach me.... It is a privilege to serve those precious children, an honor to get to know all these people that I work along side of and meet in my classes. I know that it is not in vain when I do it all in His name, in faith! As for tv and all of that, it is MEANINGLESS. It is a waste of time and energy. Lord, please purge me of anything that is not of You, anything that does not give you complete glory and honor!
Re-evaluate what you are spending your time on, you'll find His sweet presence - which is freedom!
Have I ever really experienced this? Yes, I think so... for a few moments. That's how I know this so intimately. But have I truly surrendered all to Him? Have I truly thrown myself off that glorious throne of my life so that my King can take His rightful seat? Have I truly said to Him that I am tired of me? No. Not really.
Read these lyrics to "Tired" by Nina Landis:
"I'm so tired of losing my hope.
I'm so tired of sleeping.
I'm so tired of forgetting to trust.
I'm so tired of settling.
Over and over and over again.
Over and over and over again.
Over and over and over again.
I'm so tired of chasing the wind.
I'm so tired of runnin' around.
I'm so tired of compromising.
I'm so tired of failing.
Over and over and over again.
Over and over and over again.
Over and over and over again.
I'm counting on Your mercy God!
I'm hoping in Your grace!
I'm clinging to Your mercy God!
I'm looking to Your face!
I'm so tired of forgetting tomorrow.
I'm so tired of missing today.
I'm so tired of these tears and this sorrow.
I'm so tired of running away!
I'm counting on Your mercy God!
I'm hoping in Your grace!
I'm clinging to Your mercy God!
I'm looking to Your face!
I'm looking past the veil to the other side,
where this skin on me won't be plagued with sin... on the other side.
On the other side,
where redemption lies!
I'm looking past the veil to the other side,
where this skin on me won't be plagued with sin...on the other side.
On the other side,
where perfection lies!"
As He is so passionately and tenderly pursuing me...I will count on His mercy, I will hope in His grace, I will cling to Him! He is so kind. =] I no longer want to toil away at meaningless things... I only want to spend myself on things that draw me and others to Him. I am not saying that school, work, and homework are meaningless, I am saying that without His presence and blessing they are meaningless beyond words. With Him, they are a tool. A tool in His hands! A tool that He may be using to prepare me, mold me, grow me, teach me.... It is a privilege to serve those precious children, an honor to get to know all these people that I work along side of and meet in my classes. I know that it is not in vain when I do it all in His name, in faith! As for tv and all of that, it is MEANINGLESS. It is a waste of time and energy. Lord, please purge me of anything that is not of You, anything that does not give you complete glory and honor!
Re-evaluate what you are spending your time on, you'll find His sweet presence - which is freedom!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A Jumble of Thoughts
I am certainly not good at time management, prioritizing or being proactive. These are things that the Lord has been working on in me for quite a while.. I think that the biggest and most important lesson I have learned from my Teacher in all of this is that surrendering to Him is the first and most important step. I admit, I am not good at this yet, but I certainly is SO, SO VITAL. I am no longer my own, and neither is my time.
I have about 4 more days left in my break, then it is back to school and classes and possibly a job. I'm excited! I miss people from my classes and miss mostly, the kiddies. (This semester I am going to be placed in a school age classroom, which is a little intimidating, but oh-so-exciting!) I just want to pray for His glorious will in ALL of this... In Jesus' Name!
So because I only have a few more days left, I am working on cleaning and organizing all my stuff. I have gotten to where I do this every time I have a fairly big break. It really helps because during the in-between times, things pile up and usually get jumbled. And in this ongoing process of Christ conforming me to His image, each semester starts and I look to learn more and more how to work for Him (Col 3:23-24) and do everything in His name. I JUST want to make Him smile and please Him! He is my Abba, Daddy, I want to make Him proud! This semester is going to be so great! It is the last one before I graduate with my Associate's degree and Oh Jesus, I just want to make you smile! Oh man!
This break has been fast, but oh so great! He has really blessed my time. Dad, mom, sis and me have gotten to spend a lot of much needed time together which is AWESOME =) With Dad's busy job and Sis living in LC... we needed this time together, face-to-face. Technology is good, but good ol' conversation while looking straight at the other people is so much better. I'd also admit that I got a lot of rest this break... the down side is that in that process, I easily fell back into the staying up late thing... makes it hard to be the early bird that I long to be! But again, back to Psalm 127:1 and 2-in VAIN you stay up late and rise early.... if I am TOILING FOR FOOD (or toiling for something) it is in vain.
So enough with me! The Lord is good, He is holy, His name is Immanuel-God with us! Amen Jesus! Thank you for loving this wretched sinner... You are beautiful!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Scripture Memory
I had found Beth Moore's ministry blog a while back... but during Thanksgiving Break I took up reading over all the old posts as well as any they post currently. I love them! They bless my soul and the Lord really speaks to me through what they have posted about. :) So, through this blog, they have developed a big community of women who are supporting and uplifting each other in Christ's name! Which is awesome of course! :) Beth fondly calls them, "Siestas." You can read about all of this at the blog site which is on the side bar of my blog (LPM Blog). Anyways, this past year, 2009, they did a Scripture Memory challenge. All of the women would log on and post what verse they were going to memorize every 2 weeks, on every 1st and 15th of each month. They prayed for each other and supported each other. So by the end of the year (yesterday!) they memorized about 24 verses give or take! I found this time line-2 weeks at a time- and Beth's approach to memorization (RENEW) very refreshing, honest, and effective. So, I started my own 2-week-at-a-time memorization adventure on December 1, 2009. My first verse was 2 Timothy 2:7-"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." This verse gives me victory in Christ! On the 15th, I decided to spend the next few weeks and go over all the past memory verses/passages I had memorized in the past, a few years ago. Going through my bible and just from a brainstorm, I came up with about 22 verses that I had memorized a while back. I took on this many because in theory, I had already memorized them, at least by rote.. So going over them should just be a refreshment. Being Christmas and all, I honestly only went over them a few times and have not yet dug deep into each one, so I am going to spend this next 2 weeks on them again. It's been great to just purposefully get into memorizing His Word. "I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you." =)
I don't know if the "Siestas" are going to be doing the memory verses again for 2010, but if they do I am going to join them!
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