Thursday, December 31, 2009


I have created numerous blogs in the past... and I either never wrote or I felt a little silly because I was sure that nobody read it. This time around, I decided to create one and post when I feel I should share something. This may end up being often or hardly ever... either way I sincerely want it to all be for His glory! And if it blesses someone, then that is all I care. So whether I know if anyone is reading or not, I will leave it up just so that perhaps one person may stumble onto the page and hopefully, see Him!

This brings me to right now... it is nearly 11:30 P.M. on December 31, 2009. I am here at my computer, alone with my King. It is EXACTLY where I want to be! I am listening to Isa Couvertier, Misty Edwards, Kari Jobe, Bethany Dillon and Kim Walker. =) Beautiful! I truly want my life to please Him, make Him smile as wide as the east is from the west. Day in and day out, my life is His even when I am living like it isn't. I've had a lot on my mind these past few weeks, as well as tonight as 2010 is approaching. It all comes down to this-Psalm 127:1 & 2 says:

"Unless the Lord builds the house,
its builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchmen stand guard in vain.
In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat-
for He grants sleep to those He loves.

These verses have convicted me and taught me so much this past month or so. My wonderful friend and sister who is discipling me showed me this passage. The Lord convicted me! This is my life! I take on so much sometimes, and other times, not enough. No matter how busy, I never have been good at using my time well. So my "solution" has been (countless times) to stay up late and get up early. "If I just do that, I will have more time!" But the truth is, it never helps. The bottom line comes down to...I am not being a good steward of the blessed time He is giving me each and every day. I usually am investing in POINTLESS, FRUITLESS, and even DESTRUCTIVE things. So through these verses, the Lord has given me wisdom in making decisions about what I will invest in. Amen! Thank you Lord! So as this new year comes, and just as tomorrow comes, I want only to build the house that He is building! Lord let it be so! And I want to use my time so wisely, He made the number of minutes and hours in each day, so I know that it is not mine to try to manipulate. I am just to follow His Spirit and do all in the name of Jesus! And praise Him, I can ONLY do this in His strength! On my own (as I've tried in the past) is a total loss, it always, always, always ends in failure. I NEED HIM. Period.

So the few different things that I have on my mind that I need to make decisions about, I am praying Psalm 127:1&2 over them. May it only be His. There are a couple different people that have been ministering to me over this past year or two and I am just so, so THANKFUL for them! There is NO denying that my God is sovereign and mighty! How else would all of these people, who do not know each other, totally different platforms and motives all speak the same things to my yearning heart? Because it is HIM teaching me. =) Thank you Jesus, I am u.n.w.o.r.t.h.y. It is Jesus Christ being my King, my God, my Teacher, my Father, my Love!

Praise be only to Him, I am nothing, He is mighty.

Happy New Year :)

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