Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time, Schedules, and Surrender

Last night at bible study, we watched a video sermon by Andy Stanley. He was talking about our schedules and not leaving any "margins" for the important things. I was extremely blessed, encouraged, convicted, and I enjoyed this lesson!

He talked about how we so often (if not always) live unwisely. We act as though we will never run out of time and as if we can make up for time lost. This isn't true! He gave so many great points! First of all, all of our time is limited. Second, we are always doing something. Third, somebody will determine how you spend your time. We often think it is our "right" to choose, and we usually do choose how we will spend our time. Although if we don't, someone will. It might be our family, our boss, our teachers, etc. Andy said that God says to us, "Let me be in charge."

He said, why wouldn't we surrender our time to God? He is the One who gave it to us in the first place and He is the only One who knows how much of it we have left!

He then talked about how God is the only One who has the power to give and take days away! He is in control! We should feel safe and trust in His timing for things to come to pass. We should go to Him for wisdom about how to spend our days.

When we surrender our schedule to Him, He will form a schedule that includes margins. Margins that make time for the important things in life..primarily our relationship with HIM! :)

The first way to create margins is to recognize that our days are numbered by God. Psalm 90:12 says "So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom." Andy talked about how it is wise to surrender our schedules to Him. We have to have the right perspective that we are in a life that is limited by time. Andy gave this example: We would change the way we spend our time if the doctor told us we only have 6 months to live...1 month to live. We would change our schedules to do the important things! He said, God says, "You only have 1 life to live! You should rearrange your schedule."

The second way to create margins is to prioritize accordingly. Ephesians 5:15-17 also talks about being wise with our time, and to redeem our time! Paul equates this with the will of the Lord. "Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Andy said when scheduling, we should ask the Father, "What is the wise thing to do?"

He said that most of us are fearful of what God will do with our time. (This is a lie from the enemy because His perfect love drives out fear!) We are afraid that if we let Him take control, we won't be as productive. This isn't true! God made us productive and will probably make us more productive. Our priorities determine our capacity, rather than the amount of things determine our capacity. He used the illustration of packing the car up for a long vacation. If you randomly throw everyone's bags in, you will fill up quickly, maybe even having to leave some things behind. There will not being any margins - any space to see through the rearview window. There would be a lot of wasted space (time). But if you prioritize the bags, and pack them wisely, they will fit together and in fact you will have more space! There will now be a margin at the top to see out the rearview window.

Lastly, the best way to utilize time, to create margins in our schedules is to make time alone with God our highest priority. I think this has to be done out of affection for Him! This will allow us to understand His will for our lives, help us to be more sensitive to the Spirit's leading, our capacity will be greater...there WILL BE a margin of peace and joy! Matthew 6:33-But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

This message was a blessing to me! I have always struggled with time management. Here is my answer! The same one as everything else.... SURRENDER!! <3

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